Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Maddy Turns 2 Months!

Maddy's aka Chu Bun [choo-boon] [秋闵 - her Hokkien name] is 2 months old today!

According to Internet sources:

1. "Your baby will now be sleeping for longer periods of time, around 2-3 hours."

Ehm. I'm lucky if she gets to sleep for more than 1 hour already. Extremely lucky if she hits 2 hours of sleep. Sometimes she'll sleep for 3 hours, but that's always at night, and just once.

2. "If being bottle fed (breastmilk), your 2-month old will take in around 24-30oz a day, or 2-3oz per bottle."

Maddy is a big eater, like me, apparently. She takes in 3oz per bottle. Though sometimes, she'll stop at around 1oz or 1.5oz, and just finish the rest an hour later.

3. "2-3oz is good for 2-3 hours of sleep."

Nope. Sometimes she asks for another bottle (of 3oz!) just an hour after her last bottle.

But, fortunately, I've been able to keep up so far with her demands. Meaning, my boobs are able to produce milk to replace the same volume that she just consumed. In short, di pako kinukulang.

It really is true. Your body will be able to supply what's demanded. "Trust in your milk supply", is what other mommies would tell me when I worry about whether or not I'll be able to keep up with my voracious eater.

4. "Your baby will be smiling more."

True! Kind of. She smiles at random though, not on cue.

5. "Your baby will start sleeping longer throughout the night."

Well. Define longer. During her first month, while other first-monthers were sleeping 2-3 hours already, Maddy was still waking up hourly. Now on her second month, she's started sleeping 2-3 hours, though other 2-monthers are sleeping 4-5 hours. 

So. She is sleeping longer...than last month.

6. "Sometime during the 4th week or so, your baby will get baby acne."

Yep!!! She had pimples on her cheeks, some on her chin! We were so worried if it was the detergent, our kisses, my hair, etc. Eventually, as what other parents assured me, the acne did go away. Something to do with hormones. Hers - not mine.

7. "Your baby's neck muscles are getting stronger and she will be able to start holding up her head for short periods of time while on tummy time."

Maddy's neck has been stronger since the first month. Such a malikot baby. She's able to hold her head longer already. 

In fact, she moves a whole lot, kicking her legs and thrashing with her arms. A runner and swimmer, just like her mommy!

I didn't join the IPI Sinulog Float this year, since I think Maddy's too young to be left alone with the yaya the entire day. But I still ordered a shirt, and Maddy and I dropped off her daddy at the IPI compound, where a coaster will take them to the float.

(she's such a hefty 2-month old)

Can't believe I go back to work tomorrow! I've been going over the logistics and other details involving my schedule and Maddy's milk with the yaya to make sure we don't miss out on anything.

First, in the morning before we leave the house, we transfer the milk from 5 storage cups to 5 milk bottles already. We fill up our Rubbermaid cooler with the 5 milk bottles, and 1 extra storage cup of milk. Yaya brings an empty/extra milk bottle. So far she's been consuming 2-3 bottles of milk when I leave her at the in-laws for the afternoon. So here's to hoping she'll only need to drink 4-5 in a day.

Second, I pack my Fridge-to-Go with my pump parts, 3 Medela storage containers, which can hold 5oz each (because they don't leak, unlike the Avent storage cups, so I don't want any mishaps on the way home, and because I don't want to bring the Maymom converter+Avent adaptor just to be able to pump directly into the cup), an extra Avent storage cup (when the Medela containers fill up) and a milk bottle (so I can pump directly into the bottle during my last session, which she can drink when we get home and I can exercise).

Third, sterilization will have to be done twice a day, once in the morning (to sterilize the container cups where we transferred the milk from and my pump parts from the night before) and once we get home (to sterilize all the milk bottles and the Medela storage containers used).

Fourth, I usually wake up and bring Maddy out to her yaya by 6:30am, so she can be taken down for her morning sun and I can pump out whichever's the engorged breast. I usually eat my oatmeal breakfast simultaneously but it looks like I'll have to eat breakfast in the office instead to save time. I'm aiming to be out of the house by 8am, which means Maddy has to be bathed, changed and fed before then. I'll need to shower right after pumping, because we can never tell if Maddy will be ready for her bath after her morning sun or she'll sleep in a bit, so I don't know what time she'll want to be fed (she's hungry when she wakes up but I nurse her after her bath instead). 

Cross fingers everything will go smoothly for tomorrow and for the workweeks to come. Also send positive vibes that I can easily pump out the same volume as what she's consuming/will consume for the day.

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