Monday, December 21, 2015

Maddy Turns 1 Month Old!

My baby girl turns a month old today! While she's grown up so fast in the past month, I cannot in truth say that I want her to be a baby forever. I want longer sleep and feeding intervals :D 

The past month, we've learned that:

1. She doesn't like to be disturbed during feeding. That means you can't engage her in too animated a conversation, you can't touch or play with her feet, and you can't bother her with a lot of cooing sounds.

But, she also wants mommy's full concentration during feeding. If she catches me texting or checking facebook, or watching an episode of a tv series on the laptop while I'm breastfeeding, she'll complain and let out a whimper.

2. She's like her mommy - doesn't know how to chill and relax! She's always kunot-nuo, meaning her forehead's always creased with some troubles even when sleeping. My worrywart genes passed on to her :(

3. She loves to stretch during feeding! She'll just stop sucking for a moment, let out a big, long stretch, then resume hehe

4. She makes the cutest Zoolander face when she wants to fart or poop! She purses her lips and her  eyes and face turns really really round.

5. She loves sleeping on my chest although we really try to put her down on her co-sleeper, because of the risks involved - but I minimize these but framing my body left and right with body pillows in case she falls off me.

6. Her deepest longest sleeps are always those after her morning bath and feed. Unfortunately, methinks she's a light sleeper like her mommy and she wakes up so fast at the littlest sound!

7. Our bedtime routine involves a sponge bath and either I read out a story to her or I sing. Her favorites are mommy's wobbly rendition of A Whole New World and Can You Feel the Love Tonight.

8. She enjoys listening to Norah Jones, Michael Buble and Rod Stewart. I think she like soul/blues/jazz.

9. She thoroughly enjoys being brush combed and her eyes just glaze over during brush time. 

10. When she's wailing because she's hungry, no matter how the yaya or her dad soothes her, she'll always abruptly stop crying and calm down when I take her in my arms and/or when she hears my voice telling her to wait, hold on, and mommy's getting ready to feed her.  Those brief 5-10 seconds mommy-powered calmness are priceless.

We love you baby girl!

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