Monday, April 16, 2018

The start of pumping milk for Nolan

Okay, I couldn't wait til the recommended 6 weeks before starting to pump. Especially since I wasn't exaaaactly going to pump.

I wanted to leave milk already so that I know if Nolan will take it, and so Hanley and I can go out to watch a movie (which was Ready Player One, which I'm not too impressed with anyway. Sayang lang day out ko).

I used the Haakaa hand pump to catch letdown from the other boob when feeding, which was actually pretty effective, except it doesn't really attach well to the boob. I have to keep adjusting it or hold on to it every few minutes. But it did the job of catching the needed milk, which I collected to make 2.5 oz.

Thankfully, less the anxiety of when it was Maddy before, shoti took to the Avent Natural bottle (same as what we used for Maddy) like a pro. He didn't even really choke on it as how Maddy did before.

So now, every day, I try to use the Haakaa at least once to collect milk to make a 2.5oz bottle, so I can go out anytime without worrying.

I'll start pumping and saving for realz maybe a couple of weeks before I return to work, which is ohmygolly in a few more weeks!

In the meantime, miss Drama Queen acting out Maddy has really been moody. And I'm so worried she'll be so used to me at home and ready to play anytime that she won't adjust well when I return to work. Cross fingers everyone.

** Swaddling- yep about that, we just kinda stopped at around 3 weeks. There was no point, it wasn't really working to keep him asleep. Like his achi, he's not that much of a fan of swaddling I guess?

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