Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Nolan's First Month!

Hah! I survived (for the second time), the first month with a newborn. I'm thankful I was breastfeeding for a long time before Nolan, so I'm used to not sleeping straight during the night.

1. Sleeptime

Nolan wakes up every hour, hour and a half or at most 2 hours middle of the night to feed/change diaper.

I go to the Nursery room to feed and change him so it won't make so much of a noise for Hanley and Maddy sleeping inside the master's.

I prefer to change him after I feed, because (a) I don't want him to make such a racket crying while I change him when he's hungry; and (b) several times he's pooped after I feed, so at least I get to change him only once if ever.

Most times I put him to sleep right beside me underneath my armpit. For one, he doesn't seem to like it in the co-sleeper at night. Maybe it's the aircon temp, but at 22 degrees, that's the hottest I'll go. I tried to go as high as 23, and it wasn't comfy for me anymore. He doesn't seem to like sleeping on my chest as much as Maddy did, WHICH IS GREAT FOR ME!

Maybe when he gets used to the temp na I can try the co sleeper again.

2. Pajama Onesies or Separates?


At first I tried separates, hoping it'll be easier to just pull out the bottoms during changing time. But it's really much harder for me and bothersome. And it's harder to check the diaper to see if it needs changing. 

So for now, onesies win!

3. Stupid baby acne

Kawawa! As in I can't even bear taking pictures because look! Look at his cheeks! Para syang hormonal teenager grabe.

Upon the advice of Dr. Glenn, I've purchased Eczakort cream to be put 1-2x a day on the acne. Hope it'll go away by his baptism on April 29.

4. How's Maddy, you ask?

She is friendlier with shoti, I don't think she sees him so much as a threat anymore.

BUT there was a time a week or so ago, she got a fever overnight lang naman. She was so cranky. And she'd keep crying at random times or for no reason or for the littlest of things. I think it's part of acting out. She must have mixed emotions inside that she can't really communicate.

In any case, I was advised by friends etc. that it's really better at this point to focus attention on the toddler, since the baby doesn't know any better, and to spend quality time with Maddy. Which I'm trying to do.

5. Ge Lai

Don't even get me started. It does not get easier second time around. Let's just say I had to take a few showers still during ge lai. Di talaga kaya mga beshies. Not when you're running around a toddler pa this time.

6. What do I take?

Well, I've been taking an ounce of Ningxia Red most days. For a time I've been taking the Seravallo wine too but I'm stopping muna in case it's the cause of shoti's acne.

7. Diapers

Started taking Mamy Poko and Pampers NB, but it got a bit expensive especially when we had to change one right after the other all because he kept pooping on a new diaper. So Mamy Poko and Pampers alternately at night, then EQ and SuperTwins alternately during the day!

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