Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Maddy's teething-related fever

Sometime 2 weeks ago, Maddy developed a fever which we suspected was related to her teething, specifically her incisors coming out. The gum area was sore and she kept wanting to bite or chew things, and she would grind her teeth sometimes.

Her fever reached 39.2 maybe at its highest. We only gave her tempra when her fever reaches 38.5 and above, as per pedia advice. We didn't administer any meds but just monitored her temperature. We didn't give her a shower like we always do in the mornings, but just sponge baths throughout the day. Sleep time was worse because her gums or teething would give her such a hard time and she kept moaning in her sleep.

I feel like breastfeeding helped her get well better, since sucking supposedly helps alleviate the teething pains. We also put KoolFever patches 2-3 times a day.

She was so kawawa when she had her fever. She refused to be put down, she wanted to be carried all the time, and she would only sleep if on top of someone (except for me, I think the breastfeeding helped her sleep more soundly and I can manage to put her on the bed).

Her fever disappeared in 3 days, but she developed roseola or some post-fever rash. We weren't sure if it was itchy, but just in case, pedia prescribed some cetirizine drops. The rash was also gone in 3 days.

As with all her sickness, I wished that her sickness would transfer to me instead. And as always, wish granted.

I developed a sore throat not long after, care of some post-nasal dripping. Fortunately *cross-fingers*, I haven't developed a cold. I attached it immediately with Manuka Honey, Echinacea, lots of Vit C, and hot water or salabat with lemon, cayenne pepper and honey. I also took Sinupret, to thin out the mucus.

Now, it's more of an irritating hacking cough interspersed throughout the day. Damn mucus along the throat lining, irritating the nerve endings. The Company Physician also prescribed Kamillosan spray for the throat to reduce inflammation, and some mucolytic tablets to be taken 2x a day, by dissolving the same in 1/4 cup water and drinking it. Let's hope this works.

(the dissolved mucolytic tablet makes it look like Sprite!)

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