Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Co-sleeping with Maddy

Early on, I've already decided that I wanted to co-sleep with Maddy. Not necessarily right beside each other on the bed, but definitely in the same room, if only because I would be breastfeeding, so it's more convenient for the both of us. And no, I was not inclined to have the yaya sleep together with us in the room. It will kill the romance between hubby and I, diba?!

So we got/asked for a co-sleeper, and I got one from my baby shower. Sadly, it didn't get much use since Maddy preferred and slept longer and better when lying on top of me or beside me.

Even until now that she's 11 months old, she sleeps between hubby and me, but more of towards me. It's hard to sleep, given the little wiggle room I have, but I've managed so far and have gotten used to it already. Maybe around 7-8 months she's started sleeping longer, usually 3-4 hours. There were a couple of times she's slept for 5 hours straight.

I think the solution for her sleeping even longer would be if she slept a bit away from me. I gathered from some of the mommy FB groups that the babies can smell your milk especially when you're right next to each other, which triggers them to keep waking up and wanting to suck. Unfortunately, we can't fit a pack and play and crib beside the bed, and she can't fit her co-sleeper anymore. 

She's also started rolling around in her sleep!!! So we had to attach a safety bed rail at the foot of the bed.

Here's to hoping for longer sleeping time and less rolling around.

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