Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Hefty Baby!

Yesterday was Maddy's second pedia visit. She was weighed, and the scale showed her at 6.2 kilos. Around 2 kilos heavier than when she was last there. 13 pounds!

When we checked with the doctor, he confirmed that she weighed as much as a 6-month old. Babies usually double their weight sometime 5-6 months, and she already doubled hers now at 2 months and 1 week!

(sleepy baby after mass, with her second cousin Hailey)

(2-month old going on 6-months - GAH!)

The doctor however said not to worry. We don't think about obesity or putting the baby on a diet until she is at least 2 years old. For now, the growth is normal, and is in fact encouraged, because it means that she is developing well and fast. It also means that she will reach her developmental milestones earlier - like she has a very strong neck and can more or less hold her head upright now!

Last night, we also gave her a bottle of my milk before sleeping, because I just pumped out that time and I didn't expect that she'd want to feed. I don't know if it was the bottle or maybe she's just starting to retain more milk in general, or maybe she was tired from her vaccination, but SHE SLEPT FOR 5 HOURS from 11pm to 4am! That means I GOT 5 HOURS OF SLEEP TOO! 

(my 2-month old wearing 6-month old pajamas)

(sometimes she sleeps beside me on her side, instead of on my chest)

And I haven't had more than 3 hours of sleep since I gave birth, mind you. Whoop!

Don't know if there will be a repeat tonight or the following nights. But at least I know that she can almost sleep through the night. Happy and sad at the same time. Happy because that means I get more sleep, although my body kind of got used to waking up every couple of hours anyway. Sad because ungodly-hour-nursing is our thing and our bonding :(

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