Day 1 started midday actually. By the time I got home, she had 3 panty changes already. She also peed a little on the sofa.
I figured, a lot depends on how disciplined the yaya is too. So I told her she'd get a bonus if Maddy potty trains before November. Aba, biglang nagka sigla.
I know how being disciplined can help, because as soon as I got home, until this morning (of course she was in diapers for the night), she had no accidents. I made sure to bring her to pee 10 min after she drank water and 45min after meals. I took her every hour also regardless if she drank or ate anything.
you'd be surprised (and she was surprised herself) that she'd be able to pee in the toilet. There was one time, she was sitting there and told me, "No wiwi." Then she suddenly peed and exclaimed, "Oh there! Wiwi!"
Day 2, less accidents. What I want is for her to just indicate she needs to pee. That's the turning point!
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