Sunday, January 13, 2019

Nolan @ 10 months and Maddy @ 3.2

1. Okay we're still at one tooth people. ONE.

2. He gets sick so much more often than Maddy at the same age, but only because it's Maddy passing it on to him all the time!!! Where else does he get the virus??? And Maddy gets the virus from her classmates. PARENTS, please keep your kids at home when they're sick. Ano baaaa nakakahawa mga anak niyo!!!

Also, when we were at SG last month, Maddy passed on influence A to him! He was so sick and feverish and lethargic in SG that we had to take him to the ER. Thats SGD640 for you, good thing we have travel insurance. Poor Nolan, they had to extract blood (okay actually this wasn't really necessary but MIL wanted to rule out whatevers). He was crying so much and they had a hard time extracting, my gad it ended up with me, MIL and Hanley crying. With Hanley telling Nolan in his watery voice, "You're a braver man than I am Nolan" LOLZ

3. Let me just memorialize this stage of Maddy (at 3 years and 2 months) where she loves to hug me and tell me she loves me, or grabs my face with both hands when I have to leave for work (or she's dropped off at school) and she needs to kiss both cheeks ("other" "other"!) as her way of saying goodbye.

One day, she is going to be some mean teenager, and I need this small nugget to remind myself that there is nothing quite like the love your baby has for you when he/she was still this small. You were really their one true love.

4. Nolan and Baby Led Weaning = nope, not much progress except that he eats "more" if it's noodles/pancit. And crunchy things like wonton wrappers and popcorn.

5. Maybe a couple of months ago, Maddy's started sleeping on her mini sofa by the bed instead. She suddenly didn't really want to sleep on our bed anymore. Weird, but not really complaining because it means more space for Nolan. Though I hope it's not her subconscious feeling like she got kicked out???

6. She's still tantrumy. Terrible Threes??? She needs to perform specific sets of tasks or find specific objects before we can leave the house, take a bath, change, etc. Example, she needs to say goodbye and kiss the cheeks of all the helpers before leaving the house. She needs to be the one to put on her socks and shoes. She needs specific items sometimes like either:

- her "fishing" - which is some lego pulley set
- her flashlight
- her Frozen watch
- her bunny
- her bracelet

Kinda tiring, but hey they're only kids once.

7. Nolan is more interactive, noisier than Maddy. And he loves to bounce/jump! Maddy didn't even learn how! I'm still trying to make him crawl more. He gets so mad on his tummy time!!!

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Nolan’s first tooth

and today nolan’s First tooth  has made its appearance! It’s a bottom tooth! And I’m so happy because he’s kept getting sick the past month and yayas and pedia confirm that he’ll kind of keeping getting these coughs and colds until his teeth erupt

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Sibling Sickness

Shoti is now 8 months old and Maddy’s turning 3 next week. And grabe this season of coughs and colds! The kids have essentially been alternating it since Sept! Maddy will pass on a virus from sch and both of them haven’t fully recovered until now. Off to see Dr Glenn today actually as Nolan’s Cimex antibiotics and Ventolin ended 10th day yday and he’s still not fully well. There’s bothersome cough here and there. Same with Maddy!!!

He still doesn’t have teeth, and yayas think that’s the reason why he’s still prone to colds and coughs. 

He hates to be on the high chair, does not seem interested in food at all! Barely have any success with babyled weaning or even spoon feeding! He seems to like chewing on meet though.

Maddy’s vocabulary is expanding but this one is really hard headed. Am trying face the wall already a couple of times. I’ve hit her so hard before that I’ve caused bruising!

Friday, September 21, 2018

Nolan @ 6 Months: SOLIDS TIME

This time around, I knew I wanted to change something about feeding. Maddy subsisted on mostly jarred baby food, purees. I wanted to try baby led weaning, or at least partially. Let them get used to different textures early on, and to grasp what they want.

For Nolan's first meal, it was blended squash. He didn't seem to like it.

Actually, he hasn't like that much food so far. I've given him baked pear slices, pureed apples, he did like a bit of steamed carrot stick. He especially liked sucking on a rambutan.

Just recently bought Cerelac. So will do:

Morning: Cerelac
Lunch: Jarred baby food or purees from Healthy Options
Dinner: Baby Lead Weaning stuff like carrot sticks, potato sticks. I really should try avocado next.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

The sweetest I love yous

Maddy is 2 years and 9 mos old. A few months ago, she’s started suddenly hugging you or holding your face and saying I love you Mommy. Or she’ll say I miss ya mommy. She’s super clingy and Maddy, sometimes I get caught up in how annoying it is that I forget how fleeting this Wall all be. I forget that in just maybe 10 years from now, I’ll only get a reluctant I love you out of her once prodded. I’ll have a moody teenager, who won’t want to hug me or cry for me to hold her hand or carry her.

It’s amazing how fast she learns things (I was trashing her 1-10 in hokkien!) and how fast her vocabulary is going (“I have an idea” “it’s a sunny day!”) She’s also almost fully potty trained already, except when she she’s sleeping. She can hold her pee longer especially when we’re out and we’re nowhere that near to a toilet. In school she also rarely wears a diaper anymore and tells the teacher if she wants to pee.

(look Ma, no panty!)

Shoti on the other hand is such a good natured baby and wants to sit up or stand already. He finally learned to roll over on his own just a few days after he turned 5 mos! No thanks to me after daily practice.

I was able to fly to Manila last weekend - JUST THE TWO OF US!Considering that it was the hell weekend where a NAIA 1 runway closed for 36 hours because a Xiamen airline plane that got stuck when it hard landed. Our 9am flight to Manila was moved to 1pm, which I only found out because I kept checking the site’s flight status. When I got to the airport at 12, he flight was delayed further to 2. When we got on the plane, the captain announced our flight would be at 4.40pm!!!

I survived with just my Ergo carrier! No stroller woohoo! Stayed with my parents for 3 nights, the longest I remember staying in Manila since I got married. It was a good bonding time, sayang lng the 22nd wasn’t declared a holiday like we all thought.

Also, shout out to hubby for finishing strong on the bike relay of the recent Cebu 70.3! Now it's my turn!!!

And also, Erni resigned na. Another team member gone!

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Day 3 Potty Training: AMAZEBALLS RESULTS

Potty Training

Now, Maddy more or less tells us if she's going to "wiwi", even if she's wearing diapers! We only let her wear diapers if she's out of the house (for school, mall, restaurants) and when sleeping. But even if we're out and she's in diapers, she'll want to pee in the toilet and tells us ahead!

- We were just very very consistent. Pee 10min after she drinks something or after meals, again 30-45min later. And again and again every 30-40min. As in I sound like a broken record, but every half hour I'll pester her, "Wanna pee? Wanna wiwi? Wanna go to the toilet? I'll pause what you're watching, we'll be very fast."

- I made sure to sit her down on the Mellow Kids bed protector sheets when she's on the sofa, or bed. I have three now - a Medium one meant for shoti's crib, a Small blue one we use now for the sofa, and a Small yellow one I've left in Dona Rita. I've ordered more, specially a big L-Wing one for the bed when she eventually needs to learn how to pee during the night. I've ordered several more small ones for the car or stroller.

Now I have to buy more disposable toilet covers for when we go out, and my MIL wants me to buy a portable toilet too...found one in Lazada!

Back to School: Toddler Class

She's also started school. It's Day 2 today and she's back to crying when I drop her off. Teacher has to peel her away from me, literally. But she's fine naman na daw a few minutes later and calms down. I make sure she pees right when I pick her up, before we leave school. The nice thing with Discovery Camp is they have this teeny tiny toilet for kids like Maddy!


She's also started to enjoy putting together puzzle pieces already. She's been playing with one every night before bedtime and can put it together already on her own!

So I've bought her two more jumbo puzzles off Lazada.


She's been enjoying ballet a lot. We had planned on just enrolling her for the summer, but we're deciding to continue her classes throughout the school year. Her recollection of the moves and what Teacher Mai teaches is amazing. She really remembers the steps. "Letter V feet!" "Pick a flower, and put it in basket!" "Rainbow hands" "Like this!"

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Day 1 of Potty Training Maddy

Day 1 started midday actually. By the time I got home, she had 3 panty changes already. She also peed a little on the sofa.

I figured, a lot depends on how disciplined the yaya is too. So I told her she'd get a bonus if Maddy potty trains before November. Aba, biglang nagka sigla.

I know how being disciplined can help, because as soon as I got home, until this morning (of course she was in diapers for the night), she had no accidents. I made sure to bring her to pee 10 min after she drank water and 45min after meals. I took her every hour also regardless if she drank or ate anything.

you'd be surprised (and she was surprised herself) that she'd be able to pee in the toilet. There was one time, she was sitting there and told me, "No wiwi." Then she suddenly peed and exclaimed, "Oh there! Wiwi!"

Day 2, less accidents. What I want is for her to just indicate she needs to pee. That's the turning point!