Thursday, March 22, 2018

Week 1 with Nolan and how Maddy's been taking it

So when we brought Nolan home on the Wednesday, Maddy was a bit reserved seeing him. And kept saying no no no several times. But I wouldn't call her aggressive, hostile, and she also didn't get hysterical. She just didn't really want his presence.

But it's been a week and a half so far and I think she's adjusted vastly. She acknowledges him now and even points out when his swaddle becomes undone. She touches his head and his feet or caresses them saying "cute!"

What I do is try to make shoti the bad guy hahahaha, like I'll say within her earshot:

"Buti ka pa Achi Maddy, you don't poop in your diaper anymore!"
"Shoti noh always crying! Buti ka pa you don't!"
"Look at Achi Maddy drinking her milk properly from a cup, ikaw shoti still at the boob!"
"Achi Maddy is so nice and well behaved o, Shoti is crying all the time"

Sleeping arrangement is a bit tough. Maddy of course remains to sleep in between Hanley and I, leaving shoti to sleep in the Arm's Reach co-sleeper...except that he only likes sleeping there during the day! At night, he doesn't seem to be used to the aircon or the dark, and the only way he'd sleep soundly - and therefore I'd sleep soundly - is if he was on my chest.

So for a week now or so, sleeping is erratic as follows:

12-1:30am SLEEP with shoti on chest
1:30-2am shoti stirs up, feeds him, change diaper (all in the outside room, so Hanley and Maddy don't wake up)
2-3:30am SLEEP with shoti on chest
3:30am-4:30am feeds him, change diaper
4:30am-6:30am or so SLEEP with shoti on chest

6:30am pass him off to Yaya Jean for sunlight, and I get to sleep for another hour or so
7:30am/8am shoti will cry for milk and I bolt up from the bed to go out of the room before his crying wakes up Hanley or Maddy

It was a bit disorienting at first but I've adjusted since then and as long as I get at least one afternoon nap in, even for at least 1 hour, then that supplements the broken evening sleep sufficiently. I just try to get an aggregate of 7-8 hours of sleep in a 24-hour window.

(bagong ligo)

(okay so he has actually less clothes than Maddy ever had)

(Achi Maddy)

(before going down to see the Pedia!)

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