Friday, February 2, 2018

Update on Maddy's constipation issue - a bit of an improvement

So sometime end of December 2017, when we're at our wits with Maddy's constipation issues, pedia recommended why don't we finally just remove Dutch Mill from her life. This yogurt drink, of which Maddy consumes in 4-5 tetrapaks in a day, is the only thing that we haven't really changed from her diet or lifestyle.

So after our Hong Kong trip, after trying and successfully getting her to drink Pediasure formula milk (more of as a midnight, pre-bedtime snack), we removed DM from the equation.

[Side note re the Pediasure, so it started out that we'd make a bit of a game out of drinking the milk. I made sure to involve her in the mixing of her own milk, and I'd drink milk together with her, which was my Diabetasol at that time. I needed to drink a glass before bedtime, so sakto that I could make my milk together with her. She got used to it that until now, or almost more than a month already, we'd be mixing milk every night before sleeping. She used to take only 1-2oz...last night, she drank a whopping 3oz followed by another 2oz! High five everyone!]

I removed DM simply by telling her than I couldn't give it to her anymore, because the doctor said that it wasn't good for her tummy and that it doesn't help her poop. I have no idea if she understood me. But I've always been a stickler for just coming clean and telling her the truth about things. SURPRINGLY [KNOCK 1000x on WOOD], she took like a champ. She didn't ask for it so much anymore, but readily accepted the Chuckie chocolate drink and other chocolate milk tetrapaks I offered in exchange. [Although now she seems to be fixated on Chuckie, but whatever right, it's milk. That's another problem for another time.]

So anyway, at the same time as giving her Chuckie, which she asks for 2-3x a day, and her Pediasure, we also started  giving her Lactulose again 2-3x a day, 5ml each time/1 teaspoon.

SO FAR, she's been pooping every 2-3 days. At first the pooping would be uncontrollable. She pooped in her diaper after so long of pooping only in the toilet [because of the suppositories we put in]. But now she's able to tell us beforehand that she needs to poop, and we take her to the toilet.

For both our house and in laws, we've been using this potty trainer below.

Doctor recommends that it needs to be a potty trainer where she can plant both of her feet down.

Let's hope she gets used to pooping and we can slowly cut down Lactulose.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I'm having the same challenge with my toddler, she's constipated and currently taking Lactulose pero before bedtime lang 5ml. Is it more effective kaya if I will make it 2-3xday 5ml? Thanks
