Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Essential Oils

KD introduced me to Young Living Essential Oils. I wouldn't say I'm hooked, but after getting my Premium Starter Kit, I've been ordering oils monthly after that. I don't think they can replace actual medicine and proper vitamins, but I do think they help supplement them.

I used Thieves and RC primarily for Maddy; sometimes with Lavender or Lemon to help with sleep. I diffuse Purification, Lemon and Orange sometimes for odor control. I'm excited to receive the free Christmas Spirit I'm getting when I ordered ER for the first time last October.

For myself, I do use Thieves and RC too but only in a roller. Preggers as I am, I'm not allowed to ingest any oils. But the one time I did put a drop of Thieves with Manuka Honey for tea, my sore throat/cough went away within a few hours.

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