Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Essential Oils

KD introduced me to Young Living Essential Oils. I wouldn't say I'm hooked, but after getting my Premium Starter Kit, I've been ordering oils monthly after that. I don't think they can replace actual medicine and proper vitamins, but I do think they help supplement them.

I used Thieves and RC primarily for Maddy; sometimes with Lavender or Lemon to help with sleep. I diffuse Purification, Lemon and Orange sometimes for odor control. I'm excited to receive the free Christmas Spirit I'm getting when I ordered ER for the first time last October.

For myself, I do use Thieves and RC too but only in a roller. Preggers as I am, I'm not allowed to ingest any oils. But the one time I did put a drop of Thieves with Manuka Honey for tea, my sore throat/cough went away within a few hours.

Maddy Turns Two!

A few weeks ago, Maddy came down with some infection that had her coughing with bad phlegm and essentially puking whatever she ate. She barely ate anything! Then after recovering with antibiotics, she contracted something viral and ended up sick again for another more week. By the time she had to go back to school, she was crying again when I dropped her off! Okay na sana sya, she had gotten used to school!

(sick baby)

But anyway, she turned TWO this Tuesday! Amazing that a month or so ago, especially at the time of the first parent teacher conference for school, Maddy wasn't talking as verbose as other kids. She doesn't string a lot of two-words together. But a week or two before her birthday, her speech skills accelerated! So much so that she started SINGING! Daddy Finger song, Baby Shark, even Johnny Johnny Yes Papa and sometimes Old McDonald! Beyond amazed! She also more readily repeats the words you ask her to repeat.

Aside from this amazing development, she's learned her 123s and ABCs already, sort of. She can even recognize "M"!

She also has a liking for french fries.

More importantly, we weaned her off from ipad for a while. For a long time now, Hanley has wanted to throw away that ipad. We could both see how negatively it had affected her behavior. She was more irritable, hot-tempered, etc. One day we just stopped giving it to her. Instead of lying to her, I just explained everytime she asked that we feel it's not okay to give it to her anymore as it had affected her behavior. I promised we'll try to give it back to her maybe when her appetite has permanently improved, when she has grown up a bit more, and her behavior's better permanently.

We're excited for her birthday party on Saturday. It'll just be a small one in Citylights Function Room, themed Pooh!