Thursday, July 7, 2016

Starting with Solids and Constipation

So when Maddy reached around 6 months, the pedia gave us the go signal to give her solids. We had no clue as to go about it. The pedia gave us a couple of boxes of Cerelac and just feed it to her accordingly, along with pureed fruits and veggies. When we asked how much and how often, the response was start with once a day, and feed so long as she'll accept the food, and stop feeding when she turns her head away or refuses to take another bite. Not. That. Helpful.

Anyway. We just had to wing it. We started feeding her once a day of Cerelac. The box said 5 tablespoons of the dry cereal, mixed with hot water. But good lord that was more for a big kid I think. Because she only ate about a teaspoon's worth of the mixed Cerelac. So eventually, we just dropped down to 1-2 tbsp of dry cereal mixed with water. 

Then we started giving her Earth's Best or Gerber (we preferred Earth's Best). We'd give her a serving or two in the afternoon/early evening, in addition to her Cerelac in the morning.

Now, we've been regular at feeding her thrice a day: Cerelac in the morning, some Earth's Best after lunch/mid afternoon, and another feeding in the evening. Sometimes we give her a refrigerated apple slice to munch on. It seems to satisfy her need for a different texture, and the coolness of the apple slice helps soothe her teething!

We had issues with her constipation for a long time. We'd have to administer suppositories just to get her to poop. The pedia suggested we give her Duphalac (some laxative syrup), which for the life of me didn't work! You know what eventually worked????!!! Pureed papaya!!!

I pureed some ripe papayas mixed with a bit of water, refrigerated bottles of it. Fed papaya to her one feeding every day. And sure enough, after the 3rd or 4th day of papaya feeding, she started pooping regularly again! 

I am now a believe of papaya power.

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