Saturday, March 31, 2018

What to expect at 3 weeks post partum

- finally vaginal bloody discharge significantly lessens, I should be able to use pantyliners in a couple of more days

- shoti hitting maybe 1.5 hrs stretches of sleep (at night), always longer if during the day

- my body’s readjusted so I don’t feel as much of a zombie anymore as the first couple of weeks

- shoti’s baby acne started appearing!

- excited to try pumping soon so I can go out for a movie...

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Hubby the duathlete (who would have thought!)

Out of the blue one day, after seeing a bike with an Ironman 70.3 tag on a car in front of him, he decided to get into biking.

He got all the nice stuff (unlike me who got all the cheapest things before, second hand bike and all haha), and started biking! He only spent like a couple of days or a week biking around the parking lot downstairs before being brave enough to venture down and up from our place!!! Galing!

He's lost more than 20 pounds since then, which was August 2017, and he's been so encouraged that he got LC to make training plans for him for a duathlon last Feb!

(a bit chubby pa here)

(so proud of this guy! He's even done a 100km ride, and the longest I've ever done was like 60km hahaha)

(such a strong runner now who can do like a 30-min 5k WITH EASE!)

(he does some long rides with the Omega Tri Team)

(o diba ganda ng bday cake for him!)

Finally weaning Maddy off Chuckie as well

Hahaha so when we weaned Maddy off from Dutch Mill, we thought okay we can introduce like a chocolate milk to compensate. She stuck to Chuckie and at first she'd only ask for it once or twice a day... then eventually it got as bad as her Dutch Mill days where she'd ask for it when she wakes up, before a meal, before a nap, before sleeping..

So when Dr. Glenn heard about it last week, he really told us to take her off it.

Lucky for us she's at that age, as mentioned, where she already really understands how things work. We told her she can't have Chuckie anymore as it would blacken her teeth, and because Dr. Glenn said it makes her poop hard and ouchie, after a couple of days, she was fine without it. She would cry at first when she asked for it and we had to tell her we had none (although we had like a shitload secured in a higher cabinet). But now she's fine.

And now - buyag - and hopefully it continues - she's displayed better appetite.

Hope Maddy gains healthy weight!!!

Week 1 with Nolan and how Maddy's been taking it

So when we brought Nolan home on the Wednesday, Maddy was a bit reserved seeing him. And kept saying no no no several times. But I wouldn't call her aggressive, hostile, and she also didn't get hysterical. She just didn't really want his presence.

But it's been a week and a half so far and I think she's adjusted vastly. She acknowledges him now and even points out when his swaddle becomes undone. She touches his head and his feet or caresses them saying "cute!"

What I do is try to make shoti the bad guy hahahaha, like I'll say within her earshot:

"Buti ka pa Achi Maddy, you don't poop in your diaper anymore!"
"Shoti noh always crying! Buti ka pa you don't!"
"Look at Achi Maddy drinking her milk properly from a cup, ikaw shoti still at the boob!"
"Achi Maddy is so nice and well behaved o, Shoti is crying all the time"

Sleeping arrangement is a bit tough. Maddy of course remains to sleep in between Hanley and I, leaving shoti to sleep in the Arm's Reach co-sleeper...except that he only likes sleeping there during the day! At night, he doesn't seem to be used to the aircon or the dark, and the only way he'd sleep soundly - and therefore I'd sleep soundly - is if he was on my chest.

So for a week now or so, sleeping is erratic as follows:

12-1:30am SLEEP with shoti on chest
1:30-2am shoti stirs up, feeds him, change diaper (all in the outside room, so Hanley and Maddy don't wake up)
2-3:30am SLEEP with shoti on chest
3:30am-4:30am feeds him, change diaper
4:30am-6:30am or so SLEEP with shoti on chest

6:30am pass him off to Yaya Jean for sunlight, and I get to sleep for another hour or so
7:30am/8am shoti will cry for milk and I bolt up from the bed to go out of the room before his crying wakes up Hanley or Maddy

It was a bit disorienting at first but I've adjusted since then and as long as I get at least one afternoon nap in, even for at least 1 hour, then that supplements the broken evening sleep sufficiently. I just try to get an aggregate of 7-8 hours of sleep in a 24-hour window.

(bagong ligo)

(okay so he has actually less clothes than Maddy ever had)

(Achi Maddy)

(before going down to see the Pedia!)

Welcome Don Nolan Wong!!!

I gave birth to Don Nolan Wong on a Monday, March 12, 2018 at 7.29pm.

1. The week before.

Dra. Chona told me a week before that I was already 2-3cm dilated and can expect to give birth in a week or so. She actually gave me admitting orders already just in case! I was 36 weeks and a day by then.

She didn't advise naman that I take it easy. So I found myself working out and swimming pa that week.

(gym time the day before!)

2. March 12, 2018

I was ready with my bag when I saw Dra. Chona that Monday. The last pregnancy, she didn't let me go home anymore after one regular check up. So knowing Dra. Chona, I had a feeling she was going to ask me to be admitted after IE that day, and she did! She said I was 3-4cm dilated.

Hanley left work early and I was waiting for him at Bo's Coffee below the clinic. We went to the hospital across around 2pm. I was asked to go to the Labor Room, while Hanley waited somewhere. What I recall was being given Oxytocin around 4pm, experiencing minor manageable but regular contractions after that. Around 6:30pm I think Dra. Chona came in, broke my water. I remember experiencing stronger contractions until I was eventually wheeled into the delivery room.

Shoti Nolan came out a big bigger than Maddy, longer too, and apparently on a short coil! So his shoulder actually got stuck daw down there and they had to do a maneuver pushing him and his legs back in before pulling him out again.

3. So year, he came out...yet again with another baby..purple.

But people have been saying he looks more like me now! So yay!