Sunday, January 13, 2019

Nolan @ 10 months and Maddy @ 3.2

1. Okay we're still at one tooth people. ONE.

2. He gets sick so much more often than Maddy at the same age, but only because it's Maddy passing it on to him all the time!!! Where else does he get the virus??? And Maddy gets the virus from her classmates. PARENTS, please keep your kids at home when they're sick. Ano baaaa nakakahawa mga anak niyo!!!

Also, when we were at SG last month, Maddy passed on influence A to him! He was so sick and feverish and lethargic in SG that we had to take him to the ER. Thats SGD640 for you, good thing we have travel insurance. Poor Nolan, they had to extract blood (okay actually this wasn't really necessary but MIL wanted to rule out whatevers). He was crying so much and they had a hard time extracting, my gad it ended up with me, MIL and Hanley crying. With Hanley telling Nolan in his watery voice, "You're a braver man than I am Nolan" LOLZ

3. Let me just memorialize this stage of Maddy (at 3 years and 2 months) where she loves to hug me and tell me she loves me, or grabs my face with both hands when I have to leave for work (or she's dropped off at school) and she needs to kiss both cheeks ("other" "other"!) as her way of saying goodbye.

One day, she is going to be some mean teenager, and I need this small nugget to remind myself that there is nothing quite like the love your baby has for you when he/she was still this small. You were really their one true love.

4. Nolan and Baby Led Weaning = nope, not much progress except that he eats "more" if it's noodles/pancit. And crunchy things like wonton wrappers and popcorn.

5. Maybe a couple of months ago, Maddy's started sleeping on her mini sofa by the bed instead. She suddenly didn't really want to sleep on our bed anymore. Weird, but not really complaining because it means more space for Nolan. Though I hope it's not her subconscious feeling like she got kicked out???

6. She's still tantrumy. Terrible Threes??? She needs to perform specific sets of tasks or find specific objects before we can leave the house, take a bath, change, etc. Example, she needs to say goodbye and kiss the cheeks of all the helpers before leaving the house. She needs to be the one to put on her socks and shoes. She needs specific items sometimes like either:

- her "fishing" - which is some lego pulley set
- her flashlight
- her Frozen watch
- her bunny
- her bracelet

Kinda tiring, but hey they're only kids once.

7. Nolan is more interactive, noisier than Maddy. And he loves to bounce/jump! Maddy didn't even learn how! I'm still trying to make him crawl more. He gets so mad on his tummy time!!!