Thursday, June 14, 2018

Nolan at 3 Months Old

Fourth Trimester - DONE! I'm over the worse of the sleepless nights and adjustment period, I've been back at work for a month already, and I'm proud of the progress I've made post-partum compared to the time when I just gave birth to Amadine.

1. I've been hitting 5kms weekly, and trying to hit more for my long runs on Sundays. I've been swimming twice a week, and just recently been keeping it at 1200m mileage every session. My abs are returning too, as long as I keep up with my no/minimal rice intake!

2. Nolan is more awake and longer too. He'll usually nap for a while after his morning bath, and be up for 2-3 hours, then nap again. He'll go to "sleep" around 9/9.30pm, which gives me time to hang out with Maddy (while she watches Paw Patrol) until her bedtime of 10:30pm.

3. Nolan is up by 6:30am or so, at which point I hand him to Yaya Jean while I work out or while I take another hour of sleep.

4. He's discovered his hand/thumb to his great delight, and will.not.stop. sucking on an entire fist! I have to keep reminding the helpers to move his hand away from his mouth.

5. He's also moved up to Pampers Medium already. MYGAD. I've started fitting him into the 3-6mos old onesies actually when he was just 2.5 months old.

6. Maddy's been taking Art Classes with Hannah Florendo every Wednesday at 10am, which she  semi likes, Swim Classes with Teacher Ellen TTH, which she doesn't like so much, and Ballet Classes at Turning Point Montebello every Wednesday and Thursday 3pm, which she loves.

7. I feel guilty that I don't take Nolan out as much as I probably did with Maddy at the same age. It's just such a big production when we do! That's two yayas, two strollers, two diaper bags. DIBA?! It was easier to plop down anywhere and breastfeed when Maddy needed, but now with Maddy as a toddler, it's harder to just sit and feed shoti and make Maddy wait.

8. It is entertaining to see Maddy really owning it as a big sister. She's so bossy and she loves being bossy. She's so dedicated to doing things herself now (putting on her socks, shoes, handing me a towel, pushing the co sleeper inside the room) and to ordering shoti around. I tell her to make sure shoti doesns't suck on his fist, and then I'd regularly hear her go, "No no no, no hand. Boob only!" But the good thing with this is that she's too busy being bossy to feel jealous. I try not to put her in situations where she'd get jealous. If I wanted to talk to shoti, I'd make sure to talk to him about her, within her earshot.