Thursday, October 5, 2017

Preggers #2

After 3-4 months of trying, we finally got pregnant sometime July/August. The ovulation kit thing totally didn't work. The smiley face was never during what I'm sure were my fertile days.

Anyway, I'm convinced it's a boy. Particularly because I'm hoping it's a boy (but basta healthy, any is okay!) and because my face broke out a lot during the first tri.

I'm now at my 15th week, more or less. No nausea nor morning sickness, no thing. Same thing as with Maddy actually, parang hindi ako buntis, if not only for the weight gain.

Actually. My only dislike about this pregnancy is that I seem to be bigger than when I had Maddy. Like for the same number of weeks, after comparing my pictures then and now, I'm definitely carrying a lot bigger. But then sometimes I poop a lot of stuff out, and then my stomach shrinks significantly. It's roller coaster tummy.

I feel kind of bad of Graino. He doesn't get as much solo talks with me or I don't even play him classical music or read him books while in there because I'm just so preoccupied with Maddy. All he hears is me or Hanley shouting, "MADDY!" "AMADINE!" "STOP!" "NO!" "EAT!" Kawawa.

(Tada! After pooping, tummy disappeared!)

(Then most times..reappears back)

I feel more confident working out more now than I did with Maddy. Though I swam more then. Can't swim as much now, no time to go to Bentro. But I run more often, still 3x a week, 3km or a bit more. Unlike when I had Maddy I barely ran for fear she'll fall out of my uterus!

Cross fingers for a smooth sailing pregnancy and delivery!!!! (and a boy heehee)