Thursday, May 4, 2017

Constipation Power Duo: Duphalac Lactulose + Suppository!

(Crossing my fingers but) Maddy has been pooping every other day or so for the past 2 weeks. What we did was we gave her Lactulose (1 tsp) 3x a day, then administered suppository every 3-4 days for 2 weeks.

The Lactulose does not taste half bad, and suppositories weren't as painful as I imagined they would be on Maddy, since they're very waxy.

This is because we noticed that the Lactulose seems to be working fine, making Maddy's stool soft, BUT since she was holding back on pooping, her stool would eventually harden and aggravate constipation. Her fear of pooping and the pain associated therewith counter-acted whatever benefits the Lactulose brought.

The suppositories helped immensely to get her pooping without the fear of pain. Since we administered it every 3-4 days, her stools would remain soft from the Lactulose and she would be able to pass them without pain or blood. 

Once she got used to the feeling of passing stools regularly, and painlessly, she began to poop every other day without need of suppositories. We've cut back on administering Lactulose (1 tsp) once a day, then now every other day!

We just got a go signal from the pedia that we can keep giving Maddy Lactulose 1 tsp 1x a day every other day for 2 months, until her GI tract is completely used to passing stools easily.

Hurray for small achievements!