Wednesday, January 18, 2017

It's not a milk strike huhu

So it's been almost 3 months already that Maddy has stopped drinking pumped/expressed milk while I'm at work. There was a brief maybe 2-3 day time when she started drinking it again, but nope, ended quite quickly.

I have come to the conclusion that she simply does not want or like pumped milk anymore.

Recently, we have been successful in having her finish small cartons of Dutch Mill (80ml) or a bottle of Yakult. We only give it to her once a day, and on alternate days.

Before she stopped drinking my pumped milk, I would pump twice a day when at work to produce two (2) 3-4 oz bottles. That's a good respite already considering that when I started, I would need to pump 4-5x a day to give her 3-4 bottles of milk. Since her appetite for milk decreased when she started eating more solids, 2 bottles of milk of day was enough.

Now, I'm only pumping once a day, and mostly just so my supply doesn't diminish further. Problem is she doesn't even take it anymore, and she feeds more at night when we're asleep.

I do want to stop, but may 40% of me says that this is convenient, she's getting good nutrients from direct feeding and from solids, she doesn't seem to need formula yet, except that I feel like she's constipated all the time from not drinking enough liquids. We've been trying to remedy that with more water, Dutch Mill and yakult.

Soon will ask pedia again if we can give flavored milk. Better than nothing.

She also seems to be more inclined to take on new drinks if they're offered through straw or through.. well.. the Yakult bottle. She seems to be complete averse to drinking anything at all from a feeding bottle anymore. Big girl na.

I am just hoping that without formula or fresh milk, she will grow normally and get enough nutrients. BUT. A bottle of formula or fresh milk, at least before sleeping, would be good sana, if only to help her sleep longer.. aka help me sleep longer.

Maybe I'll be stricter with enforcing no more breastfeeding when I get pregnant again? Nyak. Will see.