Thursday, December 1, 2016

(Pumped) Milk Strike!


Maddy's been on a bottle milk strike for more than a week now!!! She's refusing to drink from the bottle while I'm at work during the day, but is perfectly fine latching on when I get home and several times (huhuhu) at night.

Based on other mommies' opinions and advice, it appears that Maddy has figured out we've been sneaking in a bit of formula to her bottle of BM, and now has "trust" issues. She's refusing the bottle altogether, whether it's mixed or not. Can a 1 year old even be THAT smart and discerning??? Pwede ba un?!

At least she's eating solids more or less well enough. I make sure she's well fed with solids and drinking enough water.

Pedia says that at this age, they need to drink only around 16oz or 2 glasses of milk a day (whether formula or breastmilk). I really really want Maddy to start drinking like a normal toddler, of around 2-3 bottles of milk during the day, and none at all during sleeptime. Mommy needs straight sleep.

MIL suggests I put powdered formula a bit on my boobs. Okay will try that.