Saturday, June 4, 2016

Eczekleen AD

Sometime last month, when Maddy turned 5 months or so, she got these red rashes on her chin and cheeks. I figured, it must be drool rash. But it wasn't going away no matter how much we vigilantly wiped her chin and cheeks of drool. I suspected some form of baby eczema, since Hanley has skin asthma, and she could have inherited it.

Eventually, the pedia recommended Eczekleen AD cream.

It wasn't available in the Rose Pharmacies here in Cebu, and a lot of the Mercury Drugstores had this out of stock. Finally found a tube - costs around Php900! A bit expensive but a little goes a long way.

It's actually locally manufactured by Eskeen Laboraties, Inc. Although their website contains literally nothing except their logo, they do have a Facebook page which has substantially more content. -->

Eczekleen AD Advanced Barrier Replenishing Cream (don't mistake this for the Eczekleen AD moisturizer) is meant for atopic eczema, which according to Mayo Clinic occurs usually with children, but can flare up at any age. It's red and itchy skin condition, which can be worsened by sweat, fluids on skin (drool!) and wool or harsh chemicals or other irritants.

After just a few days of using the cream, there was noticeable difference in Maddy's skin already!!!

We used it twice a day - once after bath, and once before sleeping. After the eczema subsided, we used it only before sleeping. Now we're only using it every other day or so. The pedia said it should be okay to use daily since it has no steroids.

I am completely amazed with the effectivity of this product, especially considering it's locally made. Highly recommended for those whose babies are suffering from eczema!