Thursday, March 10, 2016

She knows. She knows when I'm in the shower. The moment the first soap suds form, or the shampoo foams, she starts crying. I could hear her wail from the sala or nursery. 

A week or so before she finally turned 3 months old, she's started drooling buckets. The floor is speckled with small puddles of drool. Then she has began eating or sucking her entire fist, followed by bouts of burrowing her head/face/chin into your shoulder. And the crying! My oh my. For 2 weeks, she would cry randomly in a day, in varying shades of whimpers to wails to full blown screaming. Sometimes it's because she's sleepy. Sometimes she's just disturbed. More than half the time though, there's just no cause or explanation.

According to the pedia, as she starts to see clearer and hear better, and as she starts to process her surroundings more, she can get overstimulated or overwhelmed. She's also at that age when she's more emotional that the littlest, most random things can trigger crying fits. 

But she's definitely seeing and hearing more. Pausing to look or listen intently. She's a very observant little lady.

So far, her tantrums have subsided. You could definitely see how her eyes light up at sounds and follow voices. She's so aware, it's amazing.